Face The Light

Do you feel the warmth?


Mary Zahorik


May 20, 2021

The sun was just beginning to rise across the lake as I walked out onto the balcony of my hotel room.  I could still feel the cool chill of the morning breeze gentling caressing my skin.  As I stood there, I could not yet feel the warmth from the sun, but I knew it would soon come.  So, I eagerly awaited its arrival!

The beauty of the morning sunrise is something I don’t see much, let alone view it from a calm lake in Florida.   I took in the scene with great calm and closed my eyes to let my other senses take over.  The sweet scent of flowers, the sound of birds chirping their distinct songs, and the sound of the palm branches moving in the breeze was soothing to say the least.

Within a few minutes time, I started feeling the warmth of the sun.  I opened my eyes and the sun had risen above its horizon. Before long, I started to get a little too warm, so I turned my back to the sun.  As I turned away from the sun, I could immediately feel myself getting cold.  I don’t like feeling cold.  I live in Illinois and am pretty much cold most of the time, so being in Florida in the sunshine and warmth was indeed a treat. I turned myself back to facing the sun.  Again, I immediately felt the warmth from the sun.  I could not turn away from the sun again, because the warmth felt too good and I didn’t want the warm feeling to come to an end again.

In 2 Corinthians 4:6, God who said, “Let light shine out of the darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.”  As I stood there on the balcony nestling into the warmth of the sun, my thoughts not only turned to His light, but also to His warmth.  We feel it when we look to Him!

As the sun shines down and warms the earth, God shines His light on us to help us find our way, and also warms us as well.  “I have come into the world as light, so whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness” (John 12:46).  Let us concentrate on the light and warmth that only comes from God.  Let us focus on this rather than on the darkness and the chill that this world so often brings to man.

Let us face the light AND feel the warmth from the S-O-N.

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